What is A/B Testing in Education?
A/B Testing is an experience research methodology to optimize and improve operations in the school environment. It can be conducted to see alternative ways to make the best out of learning experience, performance and other operations. All in all, it is the process of tracking two different variants with different user groups/operations, and then measuring a specific metric to grasp which performs best.
Why do you need A/B Testing in your Secondary School?
A/B testing may vary from student experience to operations even affecting your conversion rates in your marketing activities. It is needed to understand what you are investing in is where you should be investing in. Another key reason would be that your students’ and the market demands are constantly changing. In order to adapt to the new circumstances, it is a good idea to keep control of your institution by constant split testing in all aspects of your education business. In the middle run, it is highly possible that split testing will cause an increase in achievement, lower rate of drop-outs and a more efficient workplace.
“If we want to know how early we should teach verbs, we simply test it. We give a group of students verbs a little earlier in the course than the rest, and we measure: do these people learn faster, do they remember for longer? etc. And if it’s better, you start teaching verbs earlier to everybody.”
Our Specific Work
We basically help you handle the A/B testing process that would go on many different fields. We also help you analyze and make the right correlation between the tests and underline strategies to follow according to what data tells.
- Priority Identification & Hypothesizing
- Identification of variables & variations
- Conduction of Experiment
- Evaluation & Strategy Finalization
Chart Analysis
What do you get ?
You simply discover the best and the most optimized way to operate your business process as well as making sure of how you should maintain the educational activity.
Business Process
- Help with area selection
- Determining the length of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
The Concept of Academic Consulting
Academic consulting may be needed for different purposes such as introducing methodology, field research, teacher’s training and to prove academic basis on current operations.
Why do you need Academic Consulting in your secondary school?
Why would you need an outside academic consultant when you already have a huge team of academicians working in your secondary school? Well, most of the time, academicians are busy creating a curriculum, designing materials, publishing researches or scheduling their meetings with students and usually don’t have the time for specific research or practices that would improve school’s own structure or performance. Even if they do, this type of research might bring kind of blindness as they would already be a part of the subject case.
Our Specific Work
We believe a third party interference on how things work in your institution is very critical for smoother operations as this would bring out some things you might have overlooked or even introduce a new perspective. Our work includes a data-driven strategy in research and is conducted by a team of experts and academicians.
“More specifically, we analyze and audit your educational approach, curriculum and materials. We also provide you with periodic seminars and teacher’s training organizations to enhance vocational competence as well as keeping track of performance rates of students & lecturers.”
- Initial Analysis & Team Building
- Definition of Activity Goals & Strategy
- Conduction of the Activity
- Evaluation & Reporting
Chart Analysis
What do you get ?
Trained and highly skilled lecturers, commitment to the institution, improving performance on student success, scientific basis on implementations, evaluation and reports to track performance and decide on further strategies, good marketing content, more enrollment and more billing.
Business Process
- Help with area selection
- Determining the length of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
What do we mean by commitment to institution?
In terms of employee satisfaction and engagement, organizational commitment may be derived either affectively, which is the employee’s emotional attachment, or normatively where employee instinctively feels obliged to stay as they find comfort, development and career opportunities that suits them or else continuity, where employee thinks they should stay as otherwise would cost them energy and money. As for students, similarly, one would stay committed as they find the overall climate good for them, their relationships and the feeling of success or being a part of an organization.
Why is commitment important to your organization?
Some key benefits of commitment are high employee productivity, student motivation which tends to improve and less drop-outs. School climate is everything when it comes to team spirit as people would feel emotionally attached, although it may not suffice if the only reason. Commitment should also bring other core reasons to stay like return on investment, personal value and the innate sense of achieving as well as indicators of job finding after graduation as for students.
Our Specific Work
Determining current commitment level among students & employees. Looking for root causes and strategizing on the improval of overall satisfaction and commitment levels. Gamification & Reward Programs, excel in communication such as mobile or VR applications, engaging interior design and other applications, health & learning center, extracurricular activities/organizations, social engagement focused fields creation or improvement.
- Investigation & Needs Analysis
- Project planning
- A/B Testing
- Project Execution & Reporting
What do you get ?
Strong advocates of your organization that would directly impact on enrollment and renewal numbers, productivity, excellent institution culture.
Business Process
- Definition of project goals & targets and team building
- Determining the length and the scope of the project
- Milestone planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
3 Q’s of Curriculum Design
Does your curriculum design respond to the What, Who and How questions properly? Did you know when designing curriculum, these three questions will change the whole experience in your learning environment. What should be included needs careful consideration along with to-the-point goals. For that, you need to know your target audience and their learning behaviors. When it comes how to apply the curriculum, it takes more research than just leave it to the hands of instructors. Make no mistake, your instructors might be the best in their fields, but this just doesn’t sound as a teamwork, then. All that and In terms of accountability, it should be aligned with state requirements.
Why do you want to update your curriculum, if not replace all over?
Firstly, because it’s important. Your curriculum is directly connected to basically everything in an educational institution. It’s the reason why you are in the game. Secondly, it’s best to keep a curriculum and a lesson plan updated to make it relevant as everyday brings a new approach or agenda. An updated curriculum is much related to the speed of learning and higher recalling. Thirdly, You may need to support your instructors with a curriculum so they focus more on how to side of the teaching rather than what to. Let them save time and come up with creative ways to convey their message.
“Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them.”
Finally, majority of students are checking what courses you offer before they decide enrolling. While giving scientific evidence to your reasoning, promoting your curriculum may contribute heavily to your marketing activities.
Our Specific Work
We bring together a team of experts and academicians to analyze your current curriculum and lesson plans, understand your needs and design an annual curriculum for your institution and a weekly lesson plan. We also support your instructors real-time giving back-up plans and with periodic trainings on the application of the curriculum and LP’s. We track how it goes monthly and re-touch from time to time.
- Team Building & Analysis
- Roadmap & Content Research
- Implementation & Training
- Evaluation & Sustainability
What do you get ?
You get your instructional curriculum and lesson plans analyzed and optimized. You save extra time for your instructors for self development and more focus on the storytelling. At the end of a semester, you get a report for what went right or wrong; what made a big impact, what changed habits or what brought success. You promote all this to gain more enrollments.
Business Process
- Help with area selection
- Determining the scope of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
What is Dynamic Interior Design?
Interior Design is enhancing, adapting and renewing interior of a living space for the people for aesthetic or functional purposes to achieve a healthier or more goal – specific interior environment. The idea behind might be solely to get a fresh atmosphere or a modern/classical look.
Students spend 6 hours at school on average. It’s 1/4 of their whole day. So, it is a part of their ‘living space’ where they learn. Exposure is a significant part of learning. Thus, enriching the physical environment with relevant material fosters learning greatly.
Why do you need Dynamic Interior Design in your secondary school?
Bringing authentic material, news, experiences to students prepare them better to the real – life situations. Dynamic Interior Design forms a ‘learning continuum’ for the students in the physical learning environment. In that sense, learning is extended throughout and beyond the campus. Plus, business world and social life demand people with multidisciplinary approach to every day problems. So, broadening perspective beyond their majors is vital for students.
“I learnt how to fix a car walking by a repair shop on my way to school every day. I would stop for 5 minutes every day and listen to the mechanics talk about the things they were doing. That shop was my crash course, outside the school.”
Our Specific Work
We enrich the classrooms and the corridors with visual materials. We develop and implement posters, props, screens and interactive boards, QR codes, VR and AR technologies with the weekly curriculum content to foster learning by making the school subjects more ‘relevant’ to students.
- Curriculum & Learning Focus Identification
- Content Design
- Implementation of Dynamic Interior Design
- Evaluation & Reporting
What do you get ?
You support students learning with authentic materials outside the class hours and achieve an immersive learning atmosphere throughout the school.
Business Process
- Help with area selection
- Determining the length of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
What is Educational Data Mining?
The computerization of learning process has led to collecting extensive data in education institutions and this brings out the need to interpret this pile of data in a meaningful way. Educational data mining, fundamentally, covers extracting meaning automatically from large repositories of data generated in educational settings. A variety of tools, techniques and research can be conducted to achieve data mining and this is essentially helpful to determine further educational strategies.
Why do you need EDM?
With the EDM, schools are able to predict future learning behaviors of their students, not to mention engaging learners in various educational content. It also enables to explore what teaching trends are useful for which groups of learner in which setting, which is a great way to optimize instructional sequences. Moreover, it is an authentic resource for further education-related research.
“For schools, data mining is employed to discover patterns and relationships in the data so as to help make better decisions. EDM can help examine trends, develop smarter strategies and accurately predict learning behaviors.”
Our Specific Work
We understand your needs and introduce you the programming tools designed specifically for this purpose and handle the process for you to make it sustainable and easy to use later on. We keep supervising your performance and give you tips on improving how you can handle the ways to collect data, the whole mining work and what you can do with all this at the end of the day. Our partner firm T-rexolve takes the responsibility for managing all the data unless you are willing to deal with any of this.
- Analysis
- Roadmap & Role Assignment
- Implementation & Training
- Evaluation & Sustainability
What do you get ?
You get your instructional sequences analyzed and optimized. We help you easily track performance of your instructors as well as understand patterns and give you the reasons to make adaptive changes and improvements in your strategy in line with your goals. As an additional benefit, you get you students’ data visualized for internal evaluation or sharing with students’ or their parents as well as marketing purposes.
Business Process
- Help with area selection
- Determining the scope of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
What is your education orientation?
Your education policy basically forms your student profile. Successful institutions do not only care about what they have to offer for their students, but also where their alumni end up. Is your policy orbited around exam success, social learning, knowledge, overseas experience, parents or your brand?
How necessary having a policy is and how to employ one?
Education policy makes a ground for your daily operations, materials and overall education strategy. All departments along with course content and instruction methods must serve a common goal. Otherwise, losing track of what’s going on in an institution might add up to chaos, unequal distribution of success, false expectations or a misleading victory.
“We could start our own model school, but then we realized it wouldn’t be as effective as transforming thousands of existing institutions into model schools”
When determining a policy, owners/investors will as well as target audience’s expectations are what should be taken into account. After getting to a conclusion, all materials, instructional methods, digital applications, social environment and even architecture needs to be synchronized in favor of the policy. Certainly, an education policy must meet state requirements.
Our Specific Work
We bring together a team of experts and academicians to analyze your current education policy, understand your needs and requests, then update if already exists, or create one if none exists. We interview your board, instructors and students as well as researching global examples and your target market’s needs to help create your policy and make it sustainable. We evaluate your policy at certain times and check implementations to report periodically.
- Team Building & Analysis
- Interviews & Research
- Implementation Tips
- Evaluation & Sustainability
What do you get ?
You get your education policy analyzed and optimized. Now all your departments serve a common goal. You get expected results from the operations and performance in your institution. Periodically, you get a report on how your new policy changed functionings and an evaluation of the implementations to check whether everything works synchronized.
Business Process
- Determining the scope of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
Challenges to Human Resources Management
Developing and maintaining human resources is a must in order to achieve an effective workforce. Not only staffing, but welfare, training, supervision, compensation & rewards constitutes a major part in HR management. It is basically the process of motivating staff to maximize their performance so as to obtain maximum amount of output. However, there are challenges like fixed-costs, sick leave or summer holidays when it comes to manage staff in education institutions as the education process needs to keep moving no matter what.
A Revolutionary Way of Staffing with Kriteera
A growing number of institutions have already started hiring staff hourly/daily for such reasons as optimizing fixed-costs, compensating sick-leave, getting rid of social security and/or costs of other benefits. It’s simple, you don’t hire the personnel you won’t need everyday or full time. You don’t have to pay full and struggle finding work to get the maximum of your investment for your staff anymore. Pay as you go and don’t worry about all different types of benefits you would need to invest. Pay one fee each month, cancel anytime without any obligation. You don’t need to provide for the times you don’t effectively work such as off-days, sick leave or summer holidays.
“We simply optimize your workforce with maximum benefits to your organization so you can invest in your core business.”
Our Specific Work
Let us find the best candidates for your business, work with them on a professional level and as long as you need with flexible working hours. Don’t worry about salary, social security, food, transportation or other benefits you would otherwise have to provide, we take care of all that. We send you a bill at the end of every month, you only pay one fee for each personnel you hire. Plus, that will help you reduce taxpaying.
- Analysis of Current Workforce
- Determining a Sustainable Workforce Model
- Staff offering & Agreements
- Orientation & Conflict Resolution
What do you get ?
You get hourly/daily or project-based expert consultants or instructors for your institution. We offer the best candidates for specifically what you need. You get rid of all the costs including salary, social security, health coverage, off-times. Pay as you go and only one fee. Don’t need to struggle filling in your positions periodically or in times of emergency.
Business Process
- Determining a Workforce Model
- Candidate offerings
- Agreement & Payment
- Check in
What is Language Learning & Acquisition?
Language learning is acquiring the grammatical rules, vocabulary and phonology by explicit, conscious manner. While, language acquisition is acquiring forms & meaning unconsciously. For example, whereas talking about grammar openly is the ‘formal’ way, listening to a story in present continuous tense and then copying the structure is more of a casual learning, which is closer to ‘natural’ process of a baby learning his/her mother tongue.
Why do you need Language Learning & Acquisition at your secondary school?
First of all, what does it exactly include? As language is directly linked to life itself, language learning extends beyond the classroom. It requires a deep understanding of the audience and he appropriate methodology to address and teach them. This requires a dedicated and delicate array of choices in Methodology, Instructor Competency and Awareness of the Audience, Adequate Implementation of Technology into Teaching, Authentic and Area-Specific Material Development, Knowledge of Language Assessment and Use of Drama and Arts in the classroom. To achieve this delicate balance, an instructor has to keep updated, refresh old knowledge, work on material, technological tools and so on. Having an academic expert on these matters each will reduce instructors’ burden and help increase the quality of the language teaching, while growing instructors’ professional expertise.
Our Specific Work
With our academic team, we provide you the necessary know-how and expertise to achieve practical solutions. First, we sit and discuss your institutional goals and focus in terms of language teaching. Then we observe and analyze the classes in terms of specific aspects of language teaching, i.e. methodology, use of technology, techniques and used in the classroom etc. and see if they are all in line with your goals and focus. If so, how can they be improved any further? First of all, instructors’ theoretical knowledge and application ot it in the classroom setting is the starting point for a successful results. To make a head start, we organize a series of webinars and workshops both to refresh the previous knowledge and add up to it. The workshops specifically help teachers learn by doing and evaluate & improve their own styles and performance, thus motivating them. For technology implementation into the classroom, we discuss the tools they think they need and decide together. We offer gamification services and language learning games, expanding language learning into students’ daily lives. As for curriculum design, we help implement use of drama into classroom to create real-life-like situations for the students when they get to interact more with their teachers and become more pro-active in the class at the same time. They think, they produce, they perform and they love and learn!
- Discussion of Institution’s Goals and Analysis of Current Status
- Initiation of Webinars & Workshops
- Information Sessions with Instructors
- Implementation of Technology and Changes in Methodology, Curriculum, Materials (where necessary)
- Class Observations
- Reporting of the Results and Evaluation & Sustainability Meeting with Teachers and the Management
What do you get?
You get a quality language teaching program at your secondary school with better equipped teacher both theoretically and practically. Higher student achievement with tangible results, such as greater language skills, along with highly confident students and more satisfied instructors, both of which will increase the rate of both student and employee retention. Technology-enhanced learning will help you catch with up with your millennial students and draw their attention and motivation even further too.
Business Process
- Help with area selection
- Determining the scope of the project
- Project planning and proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the project
In-class & Outside class
In-class enhancement refers to improving of material, curriculum design and instruction methods while outside-class enhancement refers to the learner’s physical, biological and mental condition as well as other offerings from the school such as social environment, study groups, sports & cultural activities, trainings, seminars and even architectural or interior design.
Relation to Testing
Learning enhancement is very much related to testing and it comes even before testing as the idea of testing itself is to evaluate and give feedback to achieve improving in learning. Getting a learner take a test doesn’t always result in academic success or goal-specific behavioral change. It takes a process to get a learner to be ready to take a test. This process includes physical, biological and mental stability.
“Governments, students, industry and the broader community now expect schools to provide evidence of the quality of their activities, including teaching and its contribution to successful student outcomes” (Krause, 2012, p.235).
Our Specific Work
We offer a broad and quality learning enhancement service for your school. Taking from the analysis and assurance of learning materials, curriculum and other offerings, we have the resources to serve an individual-specific research and solutions on understanding and improvement in learning habits. Among these, brain-computer interface applications or personal microbiome analysis from our partner firms are important values to diagnose biological conditions of a learner to correlate and come up with a certain diet or learning pattern. Related to this, we also offer focus diagnosis and enhancing through BCI or gamification.
- Determining Project Specifics
- Analysis & Project Planning
- Learning Enhancement Implementations
- Periodical Evaluation & Reporting
What do you get ?
A quality framework of standards, learning enhancement implementations on a secondary school level and/or personal level. Better test scores, optimized learning environment. Attraction to your school, useful activities for marketing purposes.
Business Process
- Help with area/product selection
- Project Proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation
What is Testing?
Testing is the process and the tools used to assess and evaluate learning. Purpose of testing is to diagnose and measure students’ academic needs, progress, and acquired skills. In that sense, testing can be used for placement, achievement, and diagnostic purposes.
Testing as a Service
Knowing if students have learnt the material and acquired skills is as important as teaching. It is a natural part of education. Precise evaluation and assessment of students’ achievement before, during and after the process helps a teacher and the institution to make the right arrangements and decisions. Choosing the right type and form of testing, analyzing the test items, analyzing the results of the tests in the correct way creates major strength in education. Is the applied test accurately measure how much the course material learnt? Do the test really tell us if the students are equipped with the desired skills? Right kind of testing provides us answers for these questions and give an insight both into the success of the teaching and the learning. For instance, if a student’s level is determined to be C1 in a language test, but the student is not competent in language skills; then it means the test does not really give accurate results. Thus, it will mislead both the students and the academic staff and the management. Eventually, testing might influence the business side and the reputation of the institution positively or negatively. The decision-makers might be misguided by the inaccurate results, in the way that while the students’ GPA is high, their required field knowledge might not be at the desired level or vice versa.
Our Specific Work
We analyze the existing testing material in terms of reliability and validity, suggesting changes and replacement when necessary. We present reports with data in the scope of the department and the institution regarding any changes that might be required in the teaching material or methods. Standardization research and work is conducted thoroughly within and across other institutions to achieve world standards. We provide academic support in preparation of testing material and we also provide academically prepared testing material. Moreover, for the professional development of the teachers, we organize seminars and workshops on testing.
In line with today’s needs, online testing solutions is vital to education during the world-wide pandemic. That’s why we support you in online video testing process with one-on-one approach to testing, along with HR support. We conduct the planning stage for the institution on demand. The process entails conveying of the test style to the lecturers, scheduling the sessions, assigning proctors to the students, informing the students on the specifics of the test, announcing the exam details to individuals. The institutions can make use of our video conferencing platform for the tests when necessary.
Steps of Testing Service
- Analysis of Existing Testing Material
- Suggestion of Adaptation and Replacement
- Test Material Design (on demand)
- Evaluation & Reporting
Steps of Online Test Service
- Determining the Areas, Number of Students and Proctors
- Help with How to Adapt the Testing Material to Online Medium
- Planning the Organization of Online Test Process
- Organization of HR Support (on demand)
- Evaluation & Reporting
What do you get ?
Periodic or regular academic supervision on your testing material, evaluation of your testing material in regard to world standards and prepared testing material in various academic fields by our professional team on your request.
On the online side, advisory for adaptation of the test material to the online medium, training and information sessions with the lecturers and proctors, along with HR support on demand. All in all, an innovative solution to online testing process.
Business Process
- Help with Area Selection
- Determining the Length of the Project
- Project Planning and Proposal
- Agreement & Payment
- Initiation of the Project